Change Log
1.2.9 — 2025-03-03
Excalibur shortcuts didn’t work on M4 Apple computers
1.2.8 — 2025-02-01
Excalibur didn’t apply LUTs in Lumetri presets in Premiere 23.4+
1.2.7 — 2025-01-20
Excalibur used obsolete version of Transform effect
1.2.6 — 2024-11-29
Shortcuts didn't register on macOS 15+ (Sequoia)
on Windows, when executing user commands timeline got focus after each step, thus not allowing to use "Keyboard Shortcut" command outside timeline panel (e.g. Project panel)
1.2.5 — 2024-11-06
Missing audio effects added (Fill Left with Right, Fill Right with Left, etc.)
1.2.4 — 2024-10-20
Support for all 3rd party effects and transitions
UI support for Premiere Pro light theme
1.2.3 — 2024-04-18
Anchor Point command didn't work if only one value (x or y) was set
Windows: Excalibur didn't register
keyWindows: Excalibur couldn't simulate
key pressWindows: if NumLock was enabled it would affect key press simulation of certain keys
1.2.2 — 2024-01-29
Speed command improvements
Fill frame didn't work on images and some video clips
1.2.1 — 2024-01-21
Excalibur respond speed was slow
Fill frame didn't work on multiple selected clips
1.2.0 — 2024-01-19
Match Frame to Source Sequence command
Reverse Match Frame command
Move Playhead command
Add/Delete keyframe option for Position, Scale, Rotation, Volume, etc.
Speed command has
Change Duration
,Ripple Edit
optionsSupport for new Film Impact transitions
Export Selected Clips: export will start after all items are added to render queue
Copy frame to clipboard didn't work on Windows
Anchor Point didn't account for clip width/height
Fill frame didn't account for pixel ratio
Select all disabled clips optimisation
Undo optimisation
Apply transition didn't work in some cases
Trim Out Point to Playhead didn't work for Graphic layers
un-Solo Tracks didn't account for new tracks added when Solo mode was enabled
Export Selected Clips by default didn't use sequence name for exported clip names
On Windows, if Timeline panel was detached from main window (e.g. two monitor setup), Excalibur failed to perform following commands: - Apply Transition, Premiere Pro nest, Paste clip, New Item -> Adjustment layer.
Added support for bezier and hold keyframes in Effects Presets (animation curve will default to standard bezier curve)
Search bar sort order
Non English languages fixes
1.1.4 — 2021-10-31
Excalibur can control Grave Robber extension
Optimized "Keypress Shortcut" both for macOS and Windows
Optimized IME both for macOS and Windows
Optimized Paste on the same track
Adjustment layer didn't work if Premiere Pro wasn't using English language
After "Duplicate and Increment" new sequence didn't have focus
Depending on media fps "Export Selected Clips" would export first frame of next clip after selected one
Excalibur requested to set shortcut keys for "Apply Default Video/Audio Transition"
When Effect Preset was applied to Essential Graphics clip it added effect but didn't change values of it
When Transform effect was applied to a clip its uniform scale checkbox was set to off
"Export Media/Clips" path didn't remember last path used in search bar
Selection commands would select clips on locked tracks
Add marker to Clip didn't account for clip speed changes
Move Clip Start/End to Playhead command optimised
1.1.3 — 2021-07-14
Sequence module:
Add Marker to Clip
Target Video/Audio Tracks
Mute Video/Audio Tracks
Lock Video/Audio Tracks
Sync Lock Video/Audio Tracks
Preferences module:
Display Color Management
Snap playhead in Timeline
Selection Follows Playhead
Linked Selection
Transparency Grid
Show Rulers
Show Guides
Snap in Program Monitor
Selection module:
Select Clip Above/Below
Extend Selection
Select All Clips after/before Playhead
Invert Selection
Select All Disabled Clips
Multiply, divide, percent operations are added for Position/Scale/Rotation and etc
Excalibur Settings could be open from a search bar
"Copy Frame to Clipboard" didn't work on some macOS machines
"Export Media/Selected Clips" in a search bar used project location as an export path. Now it defaults to Premeire Pro last used export path (which could be controlled with Compass)
Unnecessary undo step was performed for Duration/Speed command if duration/speed couldn't be changed or was the same for an affected clip
Effect presets that used "Vector Motion" (part of Essential Graphics) added additional "Vector Motion" effect instead of changing values of an existing one
Optimized "Nest Clips" command
Optimized "Paste Clip on Same track" command
Optimized preloading of a search bar
Enter pressed multiple times in a search bar caused Excalibur to execute command multiple times
"Add Marker" renamed to "Add Marker to Sequence"
"Solo Tracks" renamed to "Solo Mute Tracks"
1.1.2 — 2021-05-13
Copy Frame to Clipboard
Wait command (for User Commands)
Duplicate and Increment, Increment and Save now have user command options. One can define how naming will look like.
Date wildcards for Nest Clips
Apply Transition doesn't need shortcut to be set in "Premiere Pro -> Keyboard shortcuts"
If audio preset included change of volume, it won't be applied
Timecode command didn't work with selected clips on Windows
Trim out point to playhead worked incorrectly with clips that have changed speed
Film Impact transitions did't work: Light Leaks Impacts; Kaleido Impacts; Stripes Impacts; Chroma Leaks Impacts
Optimized work with bigger timelines
1.1.1 — 2021-04-09
Export Selected Clips: audio is included
Undo command didn't work for some of actions
Adjustment layer, Nest clips command didn't work on Windows
Transitions and shortcut press commands
Intrinsic effects value change on clips with changed speed
Multiple Exports in user command resulted in same exports
Doubling effect for Effect presets that also affect intrinsic effects
Excalibur didn't respond or worked with a delay
Timecode command
1.1.0 — 2021-03-19
Undo command for Excalibur commands
Label command (change label of clips)
Adjustment layer added to New Item command
Nest Clips and Nest Individual Clips now have two type of nest command:
Premiere Pro nest
Excalibur nest
Audio preset can be applied to audio track with values changed (keyframes are not supported)
Show Clip Keyframes command
Control Surfaces on macOS support added. Stream Deck, Loupedeck, Orbital 2, etc are supported.
Windows OS search bar options:
Instant search bar
Panel mode for search bar
Submenus now have search bar
User can set height of Excalibur search bar
Transitions now support all languages
Nest Individual Clips didn’t respect linked clips.
Speed command when applied would set lower speed (target: 400%, result: 238%). Now speed command will be applied multiple times, until it will set proper speed value.
Effect presets that used intrinsic effects in languages other than English would add to clip another copy of intrinsic effect (e.g. second copy of Motion)
Japanese IME support improvement:
on macOS it wasn't possible to use Japanese characters in Project panel
Excalibur would quit when user selected suggestion from IME dropbox
1.0.1 — 2021-01-05
Added support for Boris FX Continuum, Sapphire, Red Giant Universe and Film Impact v3 transitions
Added support for Japanese and Italian transition names
Excalibur could take several minutes to launch after "Unsheathe Excalibur" shortcut was pressed (related to Effect Presets and Custom Items.prfpset big file size)
Effect presets wouldn't show up in Excalibur
If an effect preset has more than one of the same effects, only one of them would be applied
Duplicate and Increment placed new sequence in a random bin
Fill Frame used on clips that have "Scale to Frame Size" enabled, would deliver inaccurate results
A keyboard shortcut assigned to Nest Individual Clips would show an empty search bar
When changing an existing transition without specifying its length, the length would be set to the default transition length
F1-F24 keys couldn't be assigned as shortcuts on Windows
After pressing down arrow on an empty search bar to show all commands, selected command wouldn't execute
UI fixes
1.0.0 — 2020-12-01
Official release
Last updated