
Export Media

Shows export dialog and launches Media Encoder render job with specified settings.

Export dialog lists user export presets. If no presets available, open Media Encoder and create user export preset.

After creating new preset in Media Encoder, press cmd+s (macOS) / ctrl+s (Windows) it will do nothing visualy, but will force export presets to be updated in the Excalibur.

When using Export Media/Selected Clips in a search bar, it will default to Premiere Pro last used export path. Get Compass to take control of it.

Export Selected Clips

Shows export dialog and launches Media Encoder render job for each selected clip with specified settings.

Export dialog lists user export presets. If no presets available, open Media Encoder and create user export preset.

Export Frame

Exports frame at playhead position.

Export Frames at Markers

Exports frames at all markers in the sequence.

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