Change log

1.2.0 — 2024-05-02


  • Import Dialog path is no longer supported


  • Export Media didn’t work since Premiere Pro 2023

1.1.2 — 2022-06-04


  • Compass signature was broken during installation on some of Windows machines (extension didn't launch)

  • Compass didn't work if user didn't have other extensions by Knights of the Editing Table

  • Panel didn't load if Premiere Pro language was set to Japanese

1.1.0 — 2022-05-20


  • Added Import, Replace Footage path option

  • Added Export Frame option

  • Wildcard names

  • Productions support

  • Override settings for projects

  • Localisation to all languages that are supported by Premiere Pro

1.0.0 — 2021-04-21

Initial Release

Last updated