Regex folder name filter

Regular expressions (shortened as regex or regexp) are patterns used to match character combinations in strings.

To use regex filter enclose search pattern in slashes: "/temp/, "/\d/" Regex filter is case-insensitive.

For example you have folders generated by Media Encoder, it takes project name and attaches "_AME" to the end of it:

"Project_1_AME", "Project_2_AME", "Project_3_AME", etc

Instead of strictly defining name filter for each folder, you can set one regex filter:


Example usage:

  • /_ame/ — filter folder that has “_ame” in name: “project_ame”, “south_America”, “_amethyst"

  • /_ame$/ — filter folder that has “_ame” at the end of the name: “project_AME”

  • /^_ame/ —filter folder that has “_ame at the start if the name: “_amethyst"

  • /\d/ — filter folder that has any digit in name: “100_images”, “image_5_best”

To learn more about regex:

Test regex online:

Last updated