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Shows list of all sequences in the project and opens selected one.
Duplicates active sequence to "Archived Sequences" bin and opens new (identical) sequence with incremented name.
Adds marker to active sequence with specified name and label colour at playhead position.
Adds marker to active sequence with specified name and label colour, which has duration of current selection.
Adds marker to a clip with specified name and label colour, which has duration of the selected clip.
Targets specified tracks.
Target tracks
Number input, targets specified tracks*, additive behaviour
Toggle tracks
Number input, toggles only specified tracks*
Target tracks with selected clips
Targets tracks with selected clips, additive behaviour
Toggle tracks with selected clips
Toggles only tracks with selected clips
Target All tracks
Targets all tracks
Toggle All tracks
Toggles all tracks. If at least one track is targeted, will toggle all tracks off.
un-Target All tracks
Toggles all tracks off.
* To affect multiple tracks, type track numbers separated by comma
Mutes specified tracks. For list of options look at Target Video/Audio Tracks.
Locks specified tracks. For list of options look at Target Video/Audio Tracks.
Sync Locks specified tracks. For list of options look at Target Video/Audio Tracks.
Toggles off track output/mutes all tracks except ones that have clips selected.
Submenu has options to use this command for:
All tracks
Video tracks
Audio tracks
After "Solo Mute Tracks" command was used, it will appear as "un-Solo Mute Tracks", executing it will reset toggles/mutes to original value.
Locks all tracks except ones that have clips selected.
Submenu has options to use this command for:
All tracks
Video tracks
Audio tracks
After "Solo Lock Tracks" command was used, it will appear as "un-Solo Lock Tracks", executing it will reset locks to original value.
Will create syntetic media file, with same settings as active sequence and overwrites it on the lowest enabled track
Available Items:
Adjustment layer
Color Matte
Black Video
Transparent Video
Bars and Tone
Match frame from active sequence to sequence in source monitor.
This command also works between Production projects.
Source sequence should be loaded in source monitor for this command to work.
Match frame from source monitor to active sequence. Works with sequences and media files loaded in source monitor.
This command also works between Production projects.
Move playhead to specific or calculated timecode. Works the same way as Timecode.
Useful for user commands to create keyframe automations.